@article{oai:tenshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000007, author = {田島, 忠篤 and タジマ, タダアツ and TAJIMA, Tadaatsu}, journal = {天使大学紀要, Bulletin of Tenshi College}, month = {Mar}, note = {P(論文), This study aims at examining1 the validity of locality through the function of voluntary associations for the same villagers among urban areas in Japan. Two case villages, one from the Amami Islands and the other from the Cheju Island in South Korea, are compared, so as to control the valuable of acculturation. Both associations for the urban villagers work the same function for the members and mother villages such as stabilization of urban lives and development of mother villages. Because of their histories of occupation and reversion of both islands, their boundaries were changed. In accordance with the changes of the boundary, the villager's imagined communities have been changed through the 'extended village community' to 'network community'. In this sense, locality contains not only geographical territory but also symbolised boundary as well.}, pages = {19--33}, title = {村落コミュニティの地域性と都市移住 : 奄美大島出身者と済州島出身者の比較を通して}, volume = {1}, year = {2001}, yomi = {タジマ, タダアツ} }