@article{oai:tenshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000349, author = {三浦, 恵津子 and MIURA, Etsuko and 勝山, 千勢 and KATSUYAMA, Chise and 須貝, 麻由美 and SUGAI, Mayumi and 今崎, 裕子 and IMAZAKI, Yuko and 津田, 万寿美 and TSUDA, Masumi and 和田, サヨ子 and WADA, Sayoko and 近藤, 潤子 and KONDO, Junko}, issue = {2}, journal = {天使大学紀要, Bulletin of Tenshi College}, month = {Apr}, note = {PDF, 「目的」:助産学生の臨地実習後にナラティブを導入したカンファレンスで学生から語られた内容を明確にし、学生に与えた影響を考察する。「対象と方法」:本大学院学生で、研究への協力に同意を得られた者5 人を対象とした。ナラティブカンファレンスで、語られた内容から逐語録を作成し質的・帰納的に分析を行った。「結果」:第1回ナラティブカンファレンスでは【実習中の自分を支えた因子】【実習を困難にしていた因子】【自己の内的因子】の3 カテゴリーが抽出された。語ることで学生はカタルシスを得た。第2回ナラティブカンファレンスでは【実習体験の振り返り】【客観的自己への気づき】【カンファレンスで得た気づき】【他者への理解】【自己課題の発見】の5 カテゴリーが抽出され、話す聴くことの大切さを実感し理想の助産師像につなげることができた。, "Content from narrative that I introduced at a conference was presented by an obstetrical student"-Influence of the narrative approach on a student- Purpose: In a conference where I introduced narrative after attending actual practical midwifery training, I clearly presented content provided by a student and examined the influence on that student. Methods: In a school for apprentices, I intended to obtain informed consent to cooperate in a study from five people. At the conference, I presented the narrative, and transcribed the recited content; made a qualitative analysis; and analyzed the data inductively. Results: From the first conference introducing narratives, three categories were extracted: [factors that supported me during the training], [factors that made the training difficult], and [my own internal factors]. The student gained catharsis through presenting the material. Five categories regarding [discovery of the individualized problem] were extracted from content presented in the second narrative conference [I obtained it in a conference notice], [understanding others], [reflecting on the training experience], and [objectively noticing myself], and the students were able to realize the importance of listening to speeches.}, pages = {15--31}, title = {「実習後のナラティブを導入したカンファレンスによって助産学生から語られた内容」―ナラティブアプローチが与えた学生への影響―}, volume = {20}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ミウラ, エツコ and カツヤマ, チセ and スガイ, マユミ and イマザキ, ユウコ and ツダ, マスミ and ワダ, サヨコ and コンドウ, ジュンコ} }