@article{oai:tenshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000348, author = {新井, 英志 and ARAI, Hideshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {天使大学紀要, Bulletin of Tenshi College}, month = {Apr}, note = {PDF, 本稿は、栄養教諭養成課程において、教職課程コアカリキュラム対応型授業である「教育課程論」を2018年度に試行的に実践した効果について、3つの研究課題を設定して検証した結果を報告する。研究対象は、2018年度に「教育課程論」を履修したT大学栄養学科・教職課程の1年次生26名である。研究方法は、「最終授業後のアンケート」(質問紙調査で5件法と記述を併用、質問項目40項目)を実施し、当該学生の自己評価結果について統計解析を行った。1つ目の課題である「教職課程コアカリキュラム対応型の「教育課程論」は、授業目標を達成しているか。また、授業内容は適切であったか。」であるが、授業目標については、「基本目標」(従来の授業の目標)と「到達目標」(教職課程コアカリキュラムで規定)の評価平均値がそれぞれ、4.21、4.15だったことや、評価段階の内訳から判断して、概ね達成したと評価した。また、授業内容の適切さについては、「基本目標」「到達目標」「授業総括」「学習状況」の4区分により総合的に判断し、概ね達成したと評価した。2つ目の課題である「教職課程コアカリキュラムで示された「「到達目標」と「一般目標」(シラバスでは「授業テーマ」と表記)の関係性はどの程度あるか。」については、両者間の相関係数は0.9443と正の強い相関関係が見られた。3つ目の課題である「「教育課程論」において、教職課程コアカリキュラム対応表と「到達目標」の自己評価結果の関係性は授業評価に活用できるか。」については、授業評価の一部として活用できると判断した。提案した方法は、授業回毎の「到達目標」の状況を簡易的に把握できる利点もあり、授業評価の一部として活用することは十分可能であると考えた。さらに、今回の結果から、「教育課程論」における授業改善の視点を、評価平均値の低い項目等に着目して確認した。, The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 2018 lectures on "Curriculum Theory," which is a course in the Nutrition Teacher Training Program based on “Core Curriculum in Teacher Training Programs.” Participants in this study were 26 first-year students enrolled in the "Curriculum Theory" course in 2018 in the Nutrition Teacher Training Program in the Department of Nutrition at T University. A self-administered questionnaire with 40 items rated on a five-point scale was given on the final lecture day of the course. Data were statistically analyzed from the viewpoint of the self-evaluation of the students in the study. There were three main research questions: 1) whether or not the "Curriculum Theory" achieved its course goals and its lecture contents were appropriate; 2) to what extent "Achievement Goals" shown in "Core Curriculum in Teacher Training Programs" are related to "General Goals," shown as "Class Theme" in the Syllabus; and 3) whether or not each lecture could be evaluated using the "Correspondence Table for Core Curriculum in Teacher Training Programs" and the results of the student self-evaluation in "attainment targets." Regarding the first research question, the mean value of "course goals" was 4.21, and the mean value of "attainment targets" shown on "Core Curriculum in Teacher Training Programs" was 4.15, both indicating that "Curriculum Theory" achieved its course goals for the most part. In addition, findings concerning the "course goals," "attainment targets," "lecture overview reviews," and "learning situations" show that the lecture contents were generally appropriate. Regarding the second research question, the Correlation Coefficient between the "target goal" and the "general goal" was 0.9443, a strong positive correlation. Regarding the third research question, findings indicate that each lecture can be evaluated by the use of "Correspondence Table for Core Curriculum in Teacher Training Programs" and the results of the student self-evaluation in "attainment targets," since both facilitate examination of the degree to which "attainment targets" were achieved. Furthermore, the results indicate that the viewpoint of improving classes in the "Curriculum Theory" was identified by focusing on items with low average evaluation values.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {教職課程コアカリキュラムに対応した「教育課程論」の実践と効果(1)-栄養教諭養成課程における試行の検証-}, volume = {20}, year = {2020}, yomi = {アライ, ヒデシ} }