@article{oai:tenshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000332, author = {新井, 英志 and ARAI, Hideshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {天使大学紀要, Bullein of Thenshi College}, month = {Oct}, note = {PDF, 本研究は、T大学の栄養教諭養成課程で実践した「生徒指導論」において、3回ずつ3区分で計9回行ったアクティブ・ラーニング型授業の効果について、3つの研究課題を設定して検証することを目的とした。研究対象は、2016・2017年度教職課程2年次学生の合計30名である。研究方法は、3区分の授業最終回毎にアンケート(質問紙調査で5件法と記述を併用)を実施し、当該学生の自己評価結果について統計解析を行った。質問項目は、アクティブ・ラーニング型授業の学習内容の効果について14項目を設定するとともに、協同学習の効果を確認する協同作業認識尺度(長濱ら、2009)の18項目も加え、合計32項目の質問項目を設定した。1つ目の課題である「アクティブ・ラーニング型授業は資質・能力を向上させる学習効果があるか」について、3区分目(AL(3))の結果では、14項目の評価平均値が4.42であり、十分効果があったと評価した。2つ目の課題である「アクティブ・ラーニング型授業は区分回数が増えるほど、学習効果を高めるか」については、区分回数が増えるに従い、14項目の評価平均値が4.01、4.17、4.42と増加した。多重比較の結果、3区分目(AL(3))と1区分目(AL(1))の間では有意差が見られた(P=0.013)ことから、学習効果を高めたと評価した。向上した資質・能力については、生徒指導についての実践力> 深く、主体的、意欲的に学ぶ力> 教師としての意識、の順であった。3つ目の課題である「アクティブ・ラーニング型授業は区分回数が増えるほど、協同学習の効果を高めるか」については、区分回数が増えるに従い協同作業の認識は若干高まるものの、3区分間での有意差は見られず、効果は高めなかったと評価した。, The purpose of the study reported in this paper was to examine effects of active-learning based lectures for the course "Student Life Guidance" in the Nutrition Teacher Training Program at T University. The course involved three series of three lectures and a lecture was given nine times in total. Participants in this study were 30 students enrolled in the Nutrition Teacher Training Program in 2016 and 2017. Five-point scale and self-administered questionnaires were given after each series of three lectures, totally three times over the course. Data were statistically analyzed from the view point of the self-evaluation of the students in the study. Each questionnaire included 14 items related to learning effects of the active-learning based lectures and 18 items with the Scale to Measure Belief in Cooperation (Nagahama et al, 2009), which can be used to measure effects of cooperative learning. There were three main research questions: 1) "whether or not active-learning based lectures can be effective in improving students' qualities and skills;" 2) "whether or not more active-learning based lectures can enhance students' learning;" 3) whether or not the series of active-learning based lectures can gradually enhance cooperative learning." Regarding the first research question, findings from the third questionnaire show that the mean value over the 14 items was 4.42, which proves active-learning based lectures can be effective in improving students' qualities and skills. Regarding the second research question, the mean value over the 14 items was 4.01 in the first questionnaire, 4.17 in the second questionnaire, and 4.42 in the third questionnaire. In addition, the result of multiple comparison also shows that there was a significant difference in the mean values between the first questionnaire and the third questionnaire, which indicates more active-learning based lectures can lead to higher enhancement of learning effects. Findings show that the participants significantly improved their practical skills necessary for student guidance, greatly enhanced their autonomy and willingness to learn, and also showed improvement in their self-awareness as prospective teachers. Regarding the third research question, there was no significant difference between the mean values over the whole series of the questionnaires although the mean values slightly increased, which indicates it was not proven that the series of active-learning based lectures enhance cooperative learning.}, pages = {1--17}, title = {栄養教諭養成課程における「生徒指導論」の実践と効果(2) ―資質・能力向上を目指すアクティブ・ラーニング型授業の効果―}, volume = {19}, year = {2018}, yomi = {アライ, ヒデシ} }