@article{oai:tenshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000117, author = {柴田, 和恵 and SHIBATA, Kazue and 高橋, ゆかり and 鹿村, 眞理子 and 柴田, 和恵 and SHIBATA, Kazue and タカハシ, ユカリ and シカムラ, マリコ and 柴田, 和恵 and SHIBATA, Kazue and TAKAHASHI, Yukari and SHIKAMURA, Mariko}, journal = {天使大学紀要, Bulletin of Tenshi College}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), The purpose of this study is to search for the relationship between helping norm and vocational identity of nursing students before and after clinical practice. It was targeted at 76 nursing junior college third graders. A survey was conducted with an anonymous self-report questionnaire using two scales (helping norm scale: Hakoi & Takagi 1987, vocational identity scale: Fujii et al.2002). Date ware analyzed by using U test and multiple regression analysis. Helping norm don't showed significant differences between before and after clinical practice. But, vocational identity was established so that "norm of self-sacrifice" was high, and a factor to prescribe increased "norm of restitution" after clinical practice, and the tendency became strong.}, pages = {85--92}, title = {看護学生の援助規範意識と職業的アイデンティティとの関連 : 臨地実習前後の比較}, volume = {7}, year = {2007}, yomi = {シバタ, カズエ and シバタ, カズエ and シバタ, カズエ} }