@article{oai:tenshi.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000115, author = {久川, 洋子 and 吾妻, 知美 and SUGAWARA, Kuniko and 菅原, 邦子 and ヒサカワ, ヨウコ and アズマ, トモミ and SUGAWARA, Kuniko and 菅原, 邦子 and HISAKAWA, Yoko and AZUMA, Tomomi and SUGAWARA, Kuniko and 菅原, 邦子}, journal = {天使大学紀要, Bulletin of Tenshi College}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), This study is aimed at evaluating the goal of attaining an early experiential learning in fundamental nursing as a means of broadening the understanding of the nursing care delivery system, so as to identify the effectiveness and problems of such learning. The study was performed on ninety students who agreed to participate, amongst first year nursing undergraduates, who registered in nursing care systems course, and who did experiential learning as part of that training, in eight hospitals (thirteen wards) and eight healthcare facilities. Data on students were collected through questionnaires and records they made after the course completed, and faculty data were gathered by questionnaires. The data were analyzed using simple tabulation and test of mean difference. The free comments were analyzed for content. The result showed that the level of goal attainment was high according to the students' self-evaluation, and they had a clear understanding of their motivation for nursing as well as of problems they needed to work on. The importance of having experiential learning both at hospitals and other health care facilities was also conferred, since it contributed to a deeper understanding of cooperation with other health care professionals and to understanding a care receiver as an ordinary citizen. The clinical facilities also provided a similar evaluation. Differences however were found in all programs, and understanding among those facilities, therefore, ways and means to narrow such differences need to be devised in the future.}, pages = {67--76}, title = {基礎看護学早期体験学習の効果 : 看護学生および体験学習施設からの評価}, volume = {7}, year = {2007}, yomi = {スガワラ, クニコ and スガワラ, クニコ and スガワラ, クニコ} }